
5 Most Common Scalp Problems and How to Treat Them

Lucy Rhodes
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5 Most Common Scalp Problems and How to Treat Them

A healthy scalp is the foundation of strong, vibrant hair growth. However, there can be a number of scalp conditions that interfere with this process and cause symptoms such as discomfort, irritation, and hair loss. By understanding these issues and using the right treatments, scalp health can be significantly improved and optimal hair growth can be promoted.

The most important aspect is whether you have dandruff, dry scalp or oily scalp, and the best solution to the problem is to have a balanced scalp environment for hair growth. Below, we will explore five common scalp problems and effective ways to treat them.

1. Dandruff



Dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of Malassezia yeast which feeds on oily scalp. This can make skin flake, itchy or irritated. Besides, severe dry skin, sensitivity to hair products, or certain skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis can also be other triggers.


  • Apply an anti-dandruff shampoo: The formulas that contain pyrithione zinc, ketoconazole, and selenium sulfide reduce yeast overgrowth.
  • Wash hair regularly: Regular washing of hair helps to maintain scalp hygiene and prevent accumulation of oil.
  • Keep away from hard hair products: Use sulfate-free and fragrance-free shampoos that avoid further irritations.
Head and shouldersImage Source: Head and Shoulders

Head & Shoulders Clinical Strength Dandruff Defense Shampoo – Contains selenium sulfide that fights stubborn dandruff.

2. Dry Scalp

Dry Scalp


A dry scalp lacks enough moisture, usually because of cold weather, excessive shampooing or underlying skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. It can make skin itchy, flake and uncomfortable.


  • Moisturizing shampoo and conditioner: Ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut oil or hyaluronic acid are very beneficial for a healthy scalp.
  • Apply natural oils: Jojoba, argan or coconut oil will help restore the moisture.
  • Less shampooing frequency: Over shampooing hair removes the scalp’s natural oils.
Maui moistureImage Source: Maui Moisture

Maui Moisture Heal & Hydrate and Shea Butter Shampoo – Infused with aloe vera and shea butter for deep hydration.

3. Oily Scalp

Oily scalp


Genetics, hormonal changes or overwashing causes your scalp to overproduce oil which in turn produces more oil than normal. It can make your hair greasy, your follicles clogged and your scalp itchy with possible acne.


  • Control oil with a clarifying shampoo: Look for salicylic acid and tea tree oil ingredients.
  • Don’t use heavy conditioners on hair: Use only the tips of the hair for conditioning your hair.
  • Use dry shampoo between washes: This absorbs excess oil without overwashing.
NeutrogenaImage Source: Neutrogena

Neutrogena Healthy Scalp Hydro Boost With Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo – Removes buildup and controls oiliness.

4. Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis


Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disease where the skin’s cells start producing too quickly and cause the skin on your scalp to become red, scaly and itchy.


  • Medicated shampoos: Coal tar or salicylic acid remove scaling.
  • Topical treatments: Corticosteroids and vitamin D analogs can be used to treat the symptoms.
  • Moisturize the scalp: Avoid drying the scalp by only using gentle and hydrating products.
Nizoral anti dandruff shampooImage Source: Nizoral Anti Dandruff

Nizoral Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo & Conditioner – Contains ketoconazole to reduce scaling and irritation.

5. Folliculitis (Scalp Acne)

Follisulitis scalp acne


Bacterial or fungal infection causes hair follicle to become inflamed, which leads to pimple like bumps, inflammation and irritation. This is called folliculitis. Excessive sweating, poor scalp hygiene or frequent headwear can trigger it.


  • Antibacterial or antifungal shampoo: Benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil, ketoconazole maintains clean scalp.
  • Wash hair after workouts and don’t wear tight hats: Keep the scalp clean and dry.
  • Topical treatments: Apply antiseptic solutions such as witch hazel, diluted apple cider vinegar or aloe vera reduces the inflammation of the area.
Tea tree special shampooImage Source: Tea Tree

Tea Tree Special Shampoo by Paul Mitchell – Tea tree oil to cleanse and calm the scalp.


A healthy scalp is essential for hair growth and healthy hair. Whether you suffer from dandruff, dry scalp, dryness, oiliness, psoriasis or scalp acne; it will greatly improve if you use the right treatments. To support long term hair growth, targeted shampoos, use of natural oils and a proper hair care routine may be helpful to restore scalp balance.

With the right products and habits, you can address these common scalp concerns and achieve a nourished, irritation-free scalp and stronger, healthier hair.

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Lucy Rhodes

Lucy Rhodes is a passionate beauty writer sharing simple tips, honest reviews, and all things beauty. From skincare secrets to makeup must-haves, she brings the best of beauty to life with a relatable touch. Follow Lucy for easy-to-read insights and your next beauty obsession.

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